Weekly Impact & Learnings Review Template

Week #

Impact & Learnings

Each table entry should link out to its own doc, containing insight and long form discussion about the learning.

In addition, fill out the table below with the following info:


What we learned How we learned Links to more info Learning discussion Contributor Share with
What have we learned from experimentation, research and data this week? <link to full learning doc> <experiment>
<qual data>
<quant data> 5 key questions:
What did we do?
What did we believe was going to happen?
What actually happened?
What did we learn?
What do we intend to do next?

Additional Questions to ask:Is this learning valid (did we avoid outside influences etc)?What else might this tell us? | | Is this learning of likely interest outside of our team? To whom? |

Action Items & Next Steps

Are there any action items that the team have identified as a result of discussing the learnings?

Action Item Owner Link to issue tracker (Jira etc)

Best practices

Here are some best practices for your Impact & Learning entries.
